Love is a light that shines so bright,
It fills our hearts with pure delight,
A sacred, timeless, endless fire,
That moves and guides us ever higher.
Love is a force that cannot be tamed,
A sweet and gentle melody unnamed,
A symphony of hearts that beat as one,
A bond that cannot be undone.
Love is a beauty that transcends,
A journey that begins and never ends,
A miracle that heals our pain,
A gentle, soothing summer rain.
Love is a gift that we must share,
With all who cross our paths and dare,
To open their hearts and embrace,
This precious, life-giving grace.
So let us all be vessels of love,
Guided by the light from above,
And spread its warmth and gentle glow,
Wherever we may go.
George de Bulange
2023-04-19 08:47:08